Job Postings: How to Advertise, site resources, and refreshing your website

Posting Priorities!

Who’s really seeing your job postings?

So, you have an opening to fill. You’ve met with your hiring team. Reviewed the job description. Created a compelling posting.

Now it’s time to actually post it—but keep in mind that just “posting it” isn’t enough. You need to be thoughtful about where you’re putting this information; you want candidates to see it, but really, you want the right candidates to see it. And that means going beyond the basic posts to your website.

The good news is that there are a lot of ways recruiters can reach the desired audience.

Social media is a great place to start to cast a wide net, of course—and in addition to your own accounts on LinkedIn and other sites, it’s a good idea to provide language that your employees can use for their own posts. But think about other places and ways you might reach potential candidates: Professional organizations, academic institutions, and alumni associations can be great avenues for finding talent. Don’t be shy about reaching out, because they will be very eager to connect you with their members.

Hiring can feel like you’re looking for the proverbial needle in the haystack, but by changing your thinking just a bit, you can make that needle much easier to find.

Need help finding that perfect person?

If it seems that your organization is always struggling to find the right candidates, Alera ConnectHR can help—we’ll make sure you’re reaching the right people with the right message, so you can make the right hires!

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About the Author
Christine Brown
HR Services Lead Recruiter
Alera ConnectHR

Christine’s background and knowledge for Alera ConnectHR is in recruiting, staffing of large organizations, talent management and acquisition, training, and development, as well as employee engagement.

Christine loves helping her clients and their people thrive, and particularly relishes tackling challenging situations by using positive communication and developing plans for success.

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